A basic right being challenged everyday.
Call this a rant post, if you may, but I would like to express the importance that the press has. In (almost) every country, the media are protected by laws instating them the freedom to put articles in their newspaper, site, magazine, whatever. Of course there are some restrictions do apply. People sometimes try to test that power and blame the media of putting their nose where they don’t belong. Usually every accuser will be told the same thing, ‘we have the freedom to.’
People have blamed Small-Medium Army Central and certainly, Club Penguin Army Central, for possibly expressing that freedom too much. However, I assure you all, we’re just doing our job. The reporters on both sites wanted to join to do what they probably love to do, write about things. Writing is a magnificent way to communicate with others, especially over the internet for all to see.
The whole point of the a news site, as which you probably know, is to post about events that seems worth of reporting; and do so before any other site. It’s all a competition to see who has the best staff, the most views, and the more brainwashed audience. Yes, we brainwash you. We want you to automatically come to this site first when you open up the internet, without even really thinking about it. We sway our stories to fit your comfort and capability to read. This is all a plan to use you as our army of slaves.
Aside from the joking, some of us take this online reporting seriously. Not fighting serious but serious as in it means something dear to us, because it’s actually quite fun to report sometimes! (sometimes) The whole idea of reporting is to get the most juicy story you can get, get some sparks flying, and see the comments flow. If we post about something you do not like, leave a comment about it and talk to the reporter. Some things may turn out to be lies, while others turn out to be the truth. However, do not go around complaining about the reporter. She/he is only doing the job they have been given.
What is YOUR opinion? Should reporter just stick to the facts? Do you like detailed, juicy writing that exploits armies? How do you feel about this generation of reporters?