The Night Divers, lead by pretty much only Totidile, are under a special radar.
Even though I couldn’t find a history page on the Night Divers‘ site, the post must go on. Recently the Night Divers have caught the attention of some reporters here at SMAC. An armies size at scheduled events are always important. Without big enough sizes it’s hard to move on up the ranks, right? It’s rare we see these days that an army is able to have more soldiers unscheduled than scheduled.
Recently the Night Divers went online for a scheduled event. It is not known what specific day it was at, the time, nor how many were on chat; however their pictures were amazing. In the post Totidle states, “This is why we need be on chat often[...]these sizes are worthy of CPAC top 10!” showing his confidence in their unscheduled performance. Totidle made a good point, these sizes were pretty close to anything we would see in the top ten.
Could the unexpected, unnoticed rise of the Night Divers be due to their site? Many people in our community would argue that graphics make up a huge percentage of recruits. If your site is appealing than people will want to join. It might seem like a simple task but it’s hard to put yourself in the eyes of the newbie wanting to join. Totidle did a great job with designing his site to make it look like the cheat sites we see today; though could it be a little too overboard?
One of the buttons on their site fails to show up, let along work. The text is very hard to read and in order to just read what the poster says you have to highlight everything. Personally found that extremely annoying. On the bright side their site is already Halloween decorated which was a smart move. Everyone is preparing for Halloween, and any big party on CP means more recruits for all of the armies.
Overall the Night Divers seem to be at an all time high. Their next goal, obvious too, is to try their best to make it into CPAC’s top ten. Night Divers should have been included in SMAC’s top five and we apologize for that. Previous sizes show some good potential, while other pictures slack off. The thing to focus on is the future, and that is just what the Night Divers plan on doing. Congratulations to them for getting great sizes on CP.
What is YOUR opinion on Night Divers‘ sizes? Is there site a primary example of how graphics get an army recruits? Can they keep these type of sizes? Let us know in the comments below!